Friday 10 August 2012

Boy-Friend = Best Friend

I suppose it's ironic that it took me until Women's Day 2012 to realise that 'guys' are in fact a girl's best friend. The Johannesburg Junior Council assembled at Eastgate for a Freeze Mob against domestic violence, and before long it resulted in one lengthy session of endless laughter, junk food and 'vampire slayers'.

Please don't let me be misunderstood; the female friends I currently have are closer than sisters to me and hence fall into a completely different category. My male friends, however, have the inherent ability to instantly turn me into a five-year-old: which may or may not be a positive thing.

That is why this post is dedicated to my best guy friends: thank you for putting up with blondeness!

10 Reasons Why Guys are a Girl's Best Friend:

- They give the best advice
- They always manage to make you laugh
- They have comfortable shoulders
- They're (usually) tall
- They let you vandalise their arm with a pink highlighter (thank you KW!)
- Their opinions are honest
- They relentlessly offer to pay when you go out together
- They give the best hugs
- They don't get jealous
- It's fun to help them "get the girl"

Before my sappiness becomes completely too much to bear, I leave you with a quote by Tennessee Williams: "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose."

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